Here's a shot of the front of Kedleston Hall. That's about as close as we got; this was an outdoor walk day only.
The big draw, particularly for Nicole, was the lambs. Lots of cute little guys running around in the spring time. Kuk and Alex are having a deep discussion up ahead.
we also saw a half dozen or so pheasants running around as well
side shot of Kedleston with a few token sheep and lambs
some water fowl to join the party -- geese here
and swans
more sheep and some ominous clouds that we were fortunate to avoid
Nice shot of the back yard -- this was halfway around our "long walk". It was about 90 minutes or so with lots of mud. 2-3 miles I'd say. Nice day out.
sheep, sheep everywhere
Not 10 minutes after we got home, the heavens opened and the rain and hail started (albeit not for too long). Nice timing on our part at least.
The [very] keen observer will note that the silver car is Kuk's new ride. It's essentially the same thing she had before except 3 years newer. Her company lease had expired so she got a brand new one. Nice. Can't complain about how they are treating us here. Nicole likes the seat warmers in particular.
Have a good week.
Nice pics as usual. Glad to see you decided to get out for a walk.